Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Mid-day Update

All test results today have come back the same as yesterday, which is as good as we can ask for. This means that things are still stable, and Missy's doing well. The Heparin is doing its job, and Missy's blood pressure and heart rate have dropped back to a normal level, so her body isn't working so hard to get past the pulmonary embolism. We'll get back a few more test results tomorrow to compare if her body is doing better or worse.

The babies continue to do really well. Every day we're waiting in a holding pattern based on test results to determine the next course of action. If Missy's levels remain stable, then she'll stay on bed rest, if not, then we're looking at delivery.

One positive note for today is that Missy's been granted wheelchair privileges for 30 minutes a day, so we're about to go outside shortly to enjoy the sunshine!

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