Saturday, March 06, 2010

Late Saturday Update

Both Luke & Lauren have been taken off CPAP and are now breathing on their own.  Of course this can change, but the NICU staff are keeping a great watch over them.  Luke is doing so well, in fact, that he's been taken off his feeding tube and Matt was able to give him a bottle at 8:00pm.

Missy is recovering well and seems to be handling the pain.  She was very mobile today, and took two visits to the NICU.  Her nurses are cautioning her not to overdo it - tomorrow might prove to be a little more painful than today.  She will be moving off of the familiar Heparin drip tonight and will be switched over to Coumadin, which she can take orally.

There are several new photos from today.  All new photos moving forward will be posted to the Picasa Web Album.


Jennifer P said...

great news all around and awesome pictures! They are both the hair! So glad to hear that Missy is hanging in there too! Thanks again for keeping us so up to date! Hugs from the Paynes!

Judy said...

Fabulous photos! Luke and Lauren are adorable. Lauren has so much hair! You are so blessed!
